Academic Excellence

Asher Ragen
Nurturing a diverse group of outstanding individuals in the sciences and arts, and enhancing the impact of academic excellence on Israeli society

The Academic Excellence Programme aims to help world-class academic research thrive in Israel. Such activity is crucial to realizing elements of Yad Hanadiv’s mission, from advancing a vibrant society open to new ideas, to promoting equal opportunity and democratic values. Excellent universities are the birthplace of cutting-edge research and new intellectual frontiers, a prime meeting place for Israelis of different backgrounds, and a forum in which to encounter intellectual and scientific leaders from around the world. They are a vital pathway for talented Israelis to develop their potential and extend their reach internationally and are critical for long-term economic growth.



Yad Hanadiv's own publications and media, materials produced by our grantees, and other items we have found useful in our work

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