Meisharim-Turnaround Schools

Meisharim filtered
There are some 450 primary schools (of 3,000) defined as underperforming, of which 160 have extremely low achievement levels – a systemic failure that impairs success in higher grades, higher education and the work force, limiting opportunities for social mobility
Advancing social mobility among Turnaround School (Meisharim) graduates, increasing the effectiveness of other similar interventions and promoting fairness in Israeli elementary school education
Demonstrating measurable improvements in underperforming schools and developing practical knowledge for the benefit of additional schools

In operation since 2019, the Turnaround Schools (Meisharim) Strategy is a joint venture of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and Yad Hanadiv. The initiative targets underperforming elementary schools that serve low socio-economic populations, seeking to carry out accelerated improvement processes that are measurable and sustainable. It is also designed to develop learning processes that capture knowledge about levers of change and conditions for activating them.

This programme is being carried out in cooperation with Third Sector organisations: Branco Weiss, the Israel Centre for Educational Innovation, and Alliance – Kol Israel Haverim (KIAH). These organisations have developed comprehensive school interventions, which include mentoring head teachers, improving the quality of education and increasing education staff’s sense of competency. As a result, staff can provide students with what they need from an educational, emotional and social perspective.

Meisharim operates nationwide across all communities, supporting 36 schools over a five-year intervention period. It has achieved positive results in regard to core literacy skills, student and staff capabilities, and parental involvement.

The Pathfinders Programme (Meitivei Derech): In parallel with the work taking place in elementary schools, a one-year programme was launched in collaboration with the National Institute for School Leadership – Avney Rosha – to train head teachers in underperforming schools. The initiative is expected to help the education system gain access to a larger talent pool of highly skilled head teachers.

Promoting Fairness in the Reading Skills Acquisition Process

Ministry of Education
Yad Hanadiv

Impact of Crises on Impoverished and Marginalized Populations in Schools

Meisharim-Turnaround Schools

Poverty-Aware Conversations with Parents: Key Principles in Everyday Life and Crisis Situations

Meisharim-Turnaround Schools