Yad Hanadiv established its programme area dedicated to advancing the Arab Community over a decade ago, in keeping with its mission to work towards equal opportunity for the benefit of all Israel’s inhabitants.The programme has sought to address issues of great consequence to this community of 1.9 million citizens. Underpinning the work is the belief that success demands the…
Major Initiatives
Yad Hanadiv's core strategies and major areas of focus
Gap Year
The transition from adolescence and early adulthood (from school to work) is a critical time. Yad Hanadiv is pursuing a strategy that focuses on transitional programmes built around soft skill and language acquisition, leadership experience and life skills to help position young Arabs – whether headed for higher education or the workforce – to achieve success. We aim to lay the foundations for overcoming disadvantages through support for a range of quality gap year programmes tailored to specific needs of various segments of the youth population. These programmes will be operated by organisations with expertise in gap initiatives and Arab Society, in collaboration with academic institutions and philanthropic partners, and will make use of substantial government funding that favours gap year programmes for the advancement of young people.